Mister for the Misters and our Mares, too!

Mister for the Misters and our Mares, too!
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Thanks to the generosity of people like you

On Monday, A Horse Tale’s President was back at the barn early to install a misting hose, which was generously donated by one of our dedicated member volunteers. It was installed in the new extension our President has been building with money raised from our many fundraisers. The horses are loving taking turns eating in the shade and being misted by cool water. Seen here, our calèche retirees Blanco and Ulysses enjoying breakfast under the refreshing mist, while Balou watches from the shade of the back barn.  Saturday and Sunday, all our horses were hosed down by volunteers. Our snow-white Percherons, as well as our 34-year-old Belgian Draft, had to be showered off several times. Imagine how much work this misting hose will save our overheated volunteers, too!

Please join us at our sixth annual BBQ fundraiser on July 28th to see how your generous donations have helped us improve the lives of these beautiful horses. All money raised will continue to help us take care of the herd.

For more information on how you can help the herd, please visit the How to Help section of our website or e-mail us at info@ahorsetale.org.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]