

We need a tractor

As AHT continues to grow, we look for ways to become more self-sufficient.  Up until now, we have had the luxury of the farmer across from us along with his tractor to manage many critical services for us.

How does a tractor help us?  With 14 horses, our manure pile grows daily and it needs constant pushing and regular removal of piled up manure, these horses produce a lot of it - 800 pounds a day to be exact! Our volunteers do a great job keeping all the horses’ paddocks, stalls, and shelters spotless for great hoof health! In the winter, we need help managing snow, especially in snow storms or heavy wet, freezing rain, clearing areas, pathways, deep snow in horse paddocks, plowing human space and snow removal. It’s a big job keeping our property safe and accessible for both horses and humans alike. In the spring and fall, it’s mud season! We need help to manage the paddock grounds and also distribute sand to low lying areas that get created throughout the year.

We have recently learned that the farmer is looking to retire and therefore AHT will be out of these crucial services. We need to be able to care for ourselves! We need our own tractor! AHT is looking to lease its own new reliable tractor to keep us going and provide the best care and support for both horses and humans. Your generous donation will help to make this possible!

As an added bonus, a new tractor will enable us to grow our own hay! Not only will that help us be more self-sufficient, but we will not be impacted by the ever increasing hay shortages and skyrocketing prices each year.