It takes a village of volunteers to keep A Horse Tale running!

Membership of AHT also permits you to get involved and help us hands on at the barn by volunteering.  Volunteering can be an extremely rewarding process to help first hand with the horses’ care and barn operations.  We can always use your help and we encourage you to sign up. Through volunteering, you can assist with barn maintenance and upkeep, hay hauls, fundraising events or help at our breakfast, lunch and supper feeds:

  • Breakfast: 8:30 am – 11:30 am
  • Lunch: 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Dinner: 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Should you decide to become a volunteer, we ask that you commit to one feed slot per week (preferably the same one) as we’ll be counting on you. Proper training will be provided. There is a minimum of two feeders per feed, of which one is the designated Lead Feeder, so you are always in good company.

If you are not able to commit to once a week, we always need floaters who are able to fill in when extra help is needed or when a feeder is not available.  We all support each other.

You will be in the presence of our wonderful horses and be able to assist in various barn tasks. Tasks include sweeping feed mats in paddocks, assisting the Lead Feeder with bowl preparation and distribution, weighing and distribution of hay, mucking stalls and paddocks, sweeping the barn and office, etc.

Please note that all volunteers need to register as members.

Pick your option and press the subscribe below to become a member. Then fill out the form to tell us a little bit about yourself.

Membership Options

Tell us a little bit about yourself

    First Name

    Last Name





    Postal Code

    Why do you want to join A Horse Tale?

    Do you have any volunteer experience? Please describe

    Do you have any horse experience? (Don't worry if you don't, many of us didn't when we first joined, but we'd just like to know).

    Do you have specific days you'd like to help?

    Is there anything else you'd like to let us know?

    How did you hear about us?