A Special Story

A Special Story

Below is a message that was sent to us by a mom who visited A Horse Tale’s BBQ fundraiser on August 3rd, 2014.  It’s re-printed here with her permission.

I would like to personally thank you for the most wonderful experience that happened at your fundraiser today. My son Joseph age 5 (well 6 on September 3rd) is autistic. Joseph had a very serious fear of animals. Two years ago a cat could not even go near him without blood-curdling screaming. While we had no pets of our own at the time, to witness this fear in him was heartbreaking. There was no explanation for it, we assumed it to be an autism thing. 

After much therapy (which I won’t get into), one day while we were on a family vacation in Cuba, Joseph spotted a cat. He asked me if he could go and pet the cat. I smiled and said “sure” and then braced myself for the scream, but no. He pet the cat and she loved on that boy like I’ve never seen. Then her 3 kittens came out and he played with them all. We stood and watched with our jaws on the floor and I asked my husband…. “Am I drunk?” LOL. It was as if a light switch was just turned off and just like that he was ok with cats. We adopted a cat from the St-Lazare vets. The relationship between Joseph and the cat (Chuck) is unreal. Joseph is now known on our street as the dog whisperer. He walks around with Milk Bones in his pockets and no one can pass our house without hearing a yell “Hey Mr!!!! Can I pet your dog!!!!???”

Today Joseph fell in love with a horse named Buddy. He rode Buddy for a few seconds by himself but then he got scared and asked to get down. Margo stepped in and asked if he would feel more comfortable if she rode with him.

Margo talking with Joseph
Margo talking with Joseph

He said yes and off they went. Two turns around and the boy was hooked. There was even a supportive hug for mom as I watched my son and the tears rolled down my cheeks. I have no words for the joy it gave me to see my son with these magnificent creatures. True gentle giants. 

Thank you so much for a great time today. We did it all. Rode a horse, the petting zoo, jumping in the blow up house and then ate yummy treats. We had a great time today. Joseph would like to come back soon and visit. You will have our support at future fundraisers. Thanks so much!!

From a special needs parent.

-Debora and Joseph.