Courage, Strength, Devotion, LoveThese are some pretty strong words but they represent a very strong soul.On August 8, our dear Balou said farewell to everyone who he cared deeply about, both two and four-legged friends.Before arriving at AHT, life for Balou started as many large horses do, working. We are told that Balou (or Bill, as he was known) worked in the logging industry, pulling large fallen trees from the forest. Always eager to keep working, eating as much as four full bales of hay per day and weighing close to 2600 pounds, he would be paired up with the strongest equal they had. He was a sight to behold. Bill later moved into doing wagon rides, where again he was paired with a companion. Just before arriving at AHT, Bill was renamed to Balou and was tried as a carriage horse in Montreal. As these are single horse carriages, he didn’t do so…

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